In a latest sign of its confrontational policy toward Iran, the US administration yesterday imposed new sanctions against persons and entities related to the Iranian government. In its turn, Iran has vowed to retaliate Washington’s hostile acts properly and by the necessary means.
۲۸۳ مطلب در تیر ۱۳۹۶ ثبت شده است
حضرت صادق علیه السلام فرمود: «اِنْ اُجِّلْتَ فی عُمْرِکَ یَوْمَیْنِ فَاجْعَلْ اَحَدها لاَِدَبِکَ تَسْتَعینَ بِهِ عَلَی یَوْمِ مَوْتِکَ؛(12) اگر از عمرت تنها به میزان دو روز مهلت داده شدی، یک روزش را برای ادب خود اختصاص بده تا برای روز مرگ از آن کمک بگیری.»
ضمضمه طنز «بی قانون» امروز هم به انتشار برخی اخبار و اظهار نظرها، واکنش نشان داد.
نماینده مردم خاش و میرجاوه در مجلس شورای اسلامی از سلامتی سرباز اسیر شده به دست اشرار مسلح در هنگ مرزی میرجاوه خبر داد.
Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shokri said on Tuesday that his country would not forgive or deal with countries supporting and financing terrorism, adding that Qatar has violated all international laws and accords.
Priests and teachers physically or sexually abused more than 500 boys at a Catholic choir school in Germany between 1945 and 1992, according to a report.
Russia overtook Saudi Arabia as the world's largest crude oil producer in May, with Russia's oil output amounting to 10.298 million barrels a day against 9.880 million barrels extracted by Saudi Arabia, Joint Organisations Data Initiative (JODI) data showed, according to Sputnik
China and India, two great powers with always uneasy relationship are once again headed toward a confrontation as their relations have been greatly soured over a disputed area. In a latest development, Beijing has warned Delhi over the possibility of an “all-out confrontation.”
وزارت امور خارجه ایران کاردار سفارت کویت در تهران را فراخواند.
سخنگوی وزارت خارجه آمریکا در کنفرانس خبری روز سهشنبه درباره موضوعات مختلف اظهارنظر کرد.